There is more to say on this subject, and this will be clunky and too much and not enough but I need to start somewhere, even just for me.
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Amongst many things, one is learning more about the Black Lives Matter movement, and the history of black people in America and the work of being anti-racist. I see how many of our existing systems are still oppressive, even quietly so. I am reading and listening and participating in an Actively Anti-Racist learning group, and understanding more completely that being “nice” has not been enough. I will never understand or have the experience, as a white woman, to speak as an authority on this subject, but I do feel tardy in using my voice to speak up for marginalized and BIPOC folks. My privilege has been surrounded by a lot of other privilege, and I have work to do to shift from, as well as within that. I will be the first to admit that up to this point, my advocacy has been quiet and passive, which actually serves nobody. I believe in caring for people and community and inclusion, but the diversity and amplification of black chefs and allyship towards fair farming and food systems has been lacking here. I apologize for ways I have appropriated recipes from other cultures without researching and crediting appropriately first, or have used language that came off as exclusive, as much of the health and wellness themes can give off. I plan to work differently from here forward.
What initially felt like drinking from a fire hose, has been met with starting somewhere. We have been going through Brit Barron’s Understanding Racism 101 and if you are looking for a place to start, I would highly recommend her work. My education up to this point has been through podcasts (I loved this recent one from Brene Brown), which is a good base, but gosh there are so many folks to learn from and books to read. I am also currently reading White Fragility, and have I’m Still Here and Between the World and Me in the queue- there are lists all over the interwebs. I bought more books for the kids, such as Sulwe, 怎样使用轻蜂加速器上外网 and Fearless Trailblazers, as we have more experience within the Latino community where we live and there is anti-racist work to be done there as well. I mean none of this to be performative, and gosh, it’s a small start, but I have found these resources because others have shared them with me, so I am putting them here to pass them on.
I want complacency to be something I look back on as a point I grew forward from - like the Maya Angelou quote, “once you know better, do better.” I commit to being humble, brave and vulnerable; and in my own self-awareness, be moved towards action to change the conversation.
I’m glad you are here and I appreciate educated and compassionate discourse on different subjects. Looking forward to learning and growing and saying the wrong thing sometimes, so that I may learn to do better the next time.

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The green sauce is one of dozens of sauces we’ve featured over on SKCC. What used to be subscription based, is now open for a la carte purchases, and bundles of favorited recipes based on different themes. You can now purchase bundles for a shot of recipe inspiration without having to commit to a subscription. Make an account on sproutedkitchen.cc and it should be easy to navigate from there. One of the most versatile bundles is the Sauce & Condiment Bundle, where we’ve been storing favorites that really can be used for so many meals. Pictured here is the Green Herb Sauce, a sister favorite, the Green Harissa, made with lemon instead of lime juice, would also be great. The Green Goddess in that group is also excellent with potatoes, just serve it on the side instead of brushing it all over the top.
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Serves 4-6
2 lbs. is generous for 4 people, but moderate for 6, so depends what else you’re serving and what kind of eaters you have. I use baby Yuokns, but fingerlings work as well. They’ll need a few minutes less of a preboil as they are typically smaller.
If you are not interested in making a green sauce, brushing them with a little bit of oil and vinegar after baking gives them a little more of a glisten for serving. Potatoes like a post bake bath in a little dressing.
Why are we mixing oils? Because the smoke point of olive oil is low, but I prefer it’s flavor to the high-heat oils. So we’re mixing them.
免费v pn2025
2 lbs. baby Yukons
1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp. grapeseed or avocado oil
1 1/2 tsp. coarse sea salt
1 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. dried oregano
2 oz. grated parmesan cheese
1 small bundle Italian parsley, well chopped, for garnish
Green Herb Sauce
免费v pn2025
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Drizzle both oils over the tops, along with the salt, paprika, garlic powder, and oregano. Gently toss the potatoes around to get seasoning and oil on all sides. We want them oiled and seasoned liberally! Add more if needed. A bit of breakage is ok. Roast the potatoes for 25 minutes, flipping halfway through. Pull them out, heat up to 500’, sprinkle the parm, and pop them back into the oven for another two minutes just to melt the cheese.
While the potatoes roast, make your green sauce.
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